Ok, I thought I'd indulge my scottie dog fetish in one post and get it over with. Some beautiful items here though - at the top is a 1940's hand mirror (which I insist on using despite the mirror being so scratched I can barely make out my face - sometimes that can be a comforting thing) The 1930's - 50's was a key time for Scottie dogs to be scampering around all kinds of accessory and product design, they can be found on everything from brooches to fabric and vanity items from that period and now attract a lot of hardcore specialist nerd collectors (me).
The pendant is c.1930's-40's and is made of lucite, such impressive condition considering it's age. The brooch is my favourite of the lot - such intense luminous colours (that the picture doesn't really show properly) and an insane and brilliant dog-on-umbrella thing going on that probably dates it to the 1950's.
All found at London flea/antique markets
This is a great blog - I love the Scottie Dogs, I have a thing for Sausage Dogs! I believe you are also following me on twitter - twitter.com/sausagedogchic
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work! Love the Ukranian book covers too...